Sunday 22 May 2011

A look closer to home

The question from PC David Rathband to the Home Secretary was “I was paid £35,000 last year. Do you think I’m paid too much?” 

At the time, it was greeted with an awkward look from Theresa May and an uncomfortable silence. But this silence spoke louder and with greater impact than any response could have done. It also opened the realities of Policing to a new audience; those people who think we are paid phenomenally well and look forward to our “golden handshake” in 30 years time. Here was a man who had his life unequivocally changed on a summer’s afternoon last year near Denton, west of Newcastle.  PC Rathband's ordeal had reiterated to people that Police are indeed the final line placed between the good and the bad, and that we constantly work in an environment where an innocuous incident can potentially lead to serious injury or death. 

Wind forward to this week. There have been a number of incidents where Police Officers have been attacked or injured since the events involving David Rathband. However, this week’s most recent unpleasant incident involving Pc Nigel Albuery in Croydon, London has reiterated a recurring problem within the Police Service itself. That being, that senior management are offering very little support publically for the Officers themselves and are more concerned with issuing PR sound bytes and uninspiring words intended for public confidence. 

Borough commander of PC Albuery, Adrian Roberts, was quoted as saying,  

"Last night a working police officer was stabbed several times whilst in the line of duty. 

"I and my officers are shocked and concerned that this has happened but are determined to continue to deliver a professional service to the community of Croydon borough.

"It is important to remember that this is an isolated incident. 

"Local officers have been tasked with increased patrols in the area to reassure the public, and we have spoken with our partners so that the community can share their concerns."

Not one single mention of concern for the PC Albuery or his family. No support offered, nor even any basic courtesy of referring to him other than as a “working Police Officer”. 

Let’s be clear and honest, the words that he and his team are determined to continue to deliver a professional service mean absolutely nothing. The incident did not involve members of the public, there was no threat to anyone other than the Police themselves and the issue was evidently between the group of offenders and the Police. WHO CARES about a service and increased patrols at this point……………really? 

The colleagues of PC Albuery want to hear support for him and how they are going to “hunt down” and “punish” those responsible and by bringing them to justice using all the might for the Police Force. The public also want to see that yobs are not dominating the Force [not 'service' you may note] and that the streets are not running feral. Less talk and more action.

This modern era, PR speak, “Namby-Pamby”, politically correct language does nothing but uninspire the Police slogging themselves each day on “the frontline” and suck confidence from an already drained society. Is it wrong to display strength or power these days?

What chance do we stand if our own bosses can’t even muster a degree of empathy, concern or fight for their Officers?

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